Glückspilz WF
Fullbrother to George - Bundeschampion of 4-year-old riding ponys 2021
Registro Id No
DE 441410694516
Deutsches Reitpony
Fuchsisabell (Palomino)
Altura de la crúz
147 cm
Willi Flaßkamp
48231 Warendorf-Hoetmar
Tanja Schalkamp
48155 Münster
Clínica responsable
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Glückspilz will make everyone's hearts beat faster. Very well trained and already successful in competitions, he will put a smile on his new owner's face every day. Equipped with a lot of movement quality and just as much talent at the jump, he is a top recommendation for dressage and jumping.
1. Generation
gekörte Hengste: George v. Hesselteichs Golden Dream (DR Bundeschampion 4j. Reitponys'21, 3. BC'20 3j. Reitponys, Finalteilnehmer BC 2022 fünfjährige Dressurponys)
Sportpferde: Aber Hallo 38 v. A Gorgeous (DR L erfolgr.)
Sportpferde: Vipino v. Veneciano (DR L erfolgr.), Valida 4 v. Veneciano (DR L erfolgr.), Meggy 46 v. Mariano (SPR int. M erfolgr.), Mighty Quinn 4 v. Mariano (DR L erfolgr.), Chianti de Luxe v. FS Champion de Luxe (SPR L erfolgr.), Vanity Fair 22 v. Valido's Highlight (DR L erfolgr.), Vicco goes Lucky v. Valido's Highlight (DR L erfolgr.), Rheinhold F v. Rheingold (DR M erfolgr.)
Dam lineSportpferde: Top Dandy 2 v. Doolittle (DR M erfolgr.), Night Star-S v. Catherston Night Safe (DR L, SPR L erfolgr.)
Dam: | St.Pr.St. Cora Bends |
ZL: | 5/4 |