Lote 44


Ability is never out of fashion!





Registro Id No

DE 441410918016


Westphalian riding horse


castaño osc.

Altura de la crúz

175 cm


Claudia Gerleve
48301 Nottuln-Darup




el mismo

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Dabidu, who was very impressive in his first jumping approaches, is an eye-catching son of Dibadu L. His powerful jumping rythm combined with rideability, body expression and quality make him the model student of the current jumping collection. A guarantor for higher jumping tasks!

2. Generation

Sportpferde: Apache OLD v. Alabaster (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr.), Quadriga 15 v. Quincy (Omni Star) (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.)

3. Generation

Sportpferde: Simmentaler v. San Carlos (SPR 1,40 m erfolgr.), Geraldine v. Glorieux (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.)

Dam line

gekörte Hengste: Watson v. Waldhorn, Le Classic v. Landclassic, Fiderstar v. Fidertanz, Foundation v. Fidertanz (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Matthias Rath), Stockhausen v. Stockholm, Flavio Briatore v. Fidertanz, Federico Fellini v. For Romance I, Balou's Barkeeper H v. Balou du Rouet, Fun4ever v. Feedback, Fürst Adrian v. Farrell, Quicksilver v. Quantensprung, Force Majeure MN v. For Romance I
Sportpferde: Carissima 22 v. Canturo (SPR int. 1,45 m erfolgr./Maximilian Schreiber), Cheyenne 29 v. Calypso II (SPR int. 1,60 m erfolgr.), Paul M v. Prominenz (SPR 1,50 m erfolgr.), Adolfo FRH v. Acord II (SPR int. 1,60 m erfolgr.), Don't forget 2 v. De Niro (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Patrick Kittel/SWE), Serato v. Stakkato (SPR int. 1,55 m erfolgr.), Camouflage 24 v. Cartani (SPR int. 1,45 m erfolgr.), Crystal Friendship v. Fidertanz (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Anabel Balkenhol) uvm.

Dam: Chromatika
ZL: 2/2