Auction Purchase with Insurance Coverage

From the moment of the auction bid being accepted, all horses at our auctions (excluding those individually marked in the catalog) are covered by insurance through VEREINIGTE TIERVERSICHERUNG Gesellschaft a.G, represented by the General Agency of the R+V Insurance Group, Wolfgang Berger, Lange Str. 11, 48477 Hörstel, Tel. +49 5459 - 972787, Mobile +49 173 2820364.

A premium of 1,5 % of the auction price (basis for the premium calculation: gross auction price plus gross fees) covers the horse for a period of 8 weeks (defined as 56 days) for the following:

  • 80 % of the horse’s value in case of mortality or emergency slaughtering due to illness or accident
  • 80 % of the horse’s value in case of permanent uselessness for riding and driving due to illness or accident.
  • For foals the insurance cover period counts for at least 8 weeks (56 days) after the auction. Furthermore, the following terms are valid:
  • For foals born earlier than March 15th, the insurance cover will end with the completion of the 7th month of life, latest on October 15thof the current year.
  • For foals born later than March 15th, the insurance cover will end with the completion of the 7th month of life, latest on December 31st of the current year
  • Riding pony youngsters and broodmares are, in contrast to the usual standard auction insurance cover, only insured against death or emergency euthanasia

This insurance contract is based on the German general insurance rule AVB TLP 01/2008.

Also included in the cover are:

  • The insurance of animal also applies the cases mentioned above if they are result of a transport accident within the EU (by land, air, sea) within the aforementioned 8 weeks from Handorf to the new owner´s home.
  • If auction was held in commission business: The sum insured is deemed to be the auction price plus additional costs and value added tax, maximum € 100.000,-, for unriden youngsters, this value is reduced to a maximum of €50.000, for foals the maximum is € 25.000,-.
  • If auction was held in brokerage business: The sum insured is deemed to be the auction price plus additional costs (incl. value added tax), maximum € 100.000,-, for unriden youngsters, this value is reduced to a maximum of €50.000, for foals the maximum is € 25.000,-. Exception: sales out of Germany, if the sale is exempted from value added tax (export). In these cases the sum insured is the auction price less the value added tax rate of the seller plus additional costs. The maximum sum inssured are still valid like mentioned above.
  • A follow-up insurance can be purchased within the 8-week period on the buyers account.
  • A new radiological examination by the veterinary is not necessary, if purchasing the follow-up insurance through the same insurance company.
  • There is no waiting period if the accountability of the follow-up insurance complies with the accountability of the auction insurance.

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