Lot 14

Vinginos Allmächtige

International horse breeding on point





Life ID

DE 441411131421


Westphalian riding horse


Bay may turn grey

WFFS Status

Parents tested „free of WFFS“


Rainer Lechl
84389 Postmünster

Value added Tax rate



the same

Auction Terms
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Vingino from the Bachl Station in Postmüster with a brilliant daughter in the Handorf star ensemble. Impressive and successful, that is how the offspring of the Voltaire son present themselves in the big jumping courses. Highly topical are the sport horses Cacharel, Cavalina, Chapeau B and Dino, who are all successful at 5* jumping competitions. A particularly valuable Amazon, who inspires with her first impression right away.

1. Generation

Mutter ZSP 8,41 (u.a. Springanlage - Freispringen 9,5)

3. Generation

Sportpferde: Andorra v. Latino (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.), Baloukina v. Baloubino B (SPR 1,40 m erfolgr.), Landprinz Junior v. Landprinz (SPR int. 1,40 m erfolgr.)

Dam line

gekörte Hengste: Cornet du Lys v. Cornet Obolensky (SPR int. 1,60 m erfolgr.), Rocky Lee v. Rock Forever NRW (DR int. Inter A/B/II/Steffi Wolf), Rigoletto v. Renaldo
Wrigleys 2 v. Weltrang L (DR S erfolgr.), Don Chuan v. Donnerschlag (DR int. PSG/Inter I erfolgr.), Riva-Rocci v. Rubinstein I (DR M erfolgr.), Perfect Dream 5 v. Pik Labionics (DR M erfolgr.), La Stella 11 v. Lallier (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.)

ZL: 1/1