Lot 19


Striking daughter of the successful Franziskus





Life ID

DE 441410387021


Westphalian riding horse


Dark bay

WFFS Status

N/N (non genetic carrier)


Günter Schumacher
57580 Gebhardshain

Value added Tax rate



the same

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A striking daughter of the Grand Prix successful Franziskus presents herself with Famosa. This dark bay mare is typey with a lot of rhythm and impulsion. Her dam, Verb.Pr.St. Dora by Desperados, was also successful in advanced level dressage competitions. Granddam Blankell by Rubinstein gave birth to several highly successful sport horses. Among them were Lagerfeld by Levantos and Dark Rubin by Duino who were successful in advanced level dressage competitions.

2. Generation

Sportpferde: Lagerfeld 22 v. Levantos I (DR PSG/Inter I erfolgr.), Louis 76 v. Levantos I (DR M, SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.), A little princess v. Argentinus (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.), Diego 294 v. Donnerschwee (SPR 1,40 m erfolgr.), Dark Rubin 6 v. Duino (DR S erfolgr.)

3. Generation

Sportpferde: Adrienne 33 v. Argentinus (SPR 1,40 m erfolgr.), Amaretto 182 v. Argentinus (DR M erfolgr.), Black Davina v. Davignon I (DR M erfolgr.), Baleri v. Baloubino B (SPR 1,30 m erfolgr.)

Dam line

gekörte Hengste: u.a. Insider v. Inschallah AA, Rosenkönig v. Rubinstein I
Zigeuner 15 v. Zeus (SPR int. 1,55 m erfolgr./Gerd Wiltfang), Waldmeister M v. Welt As (DR M erfolgr.), Rossini H 2 v. Rubinstein I (DR M erfolgr.)

Dam:Verb.Pr.St. Die Dora
Size:16.1 h.h.
ZL: 3/3
Mare performance test:7.28
Competitions:DRE: A* 1/4. DRP: A 1/w.