For Sensation
Life ID
DE 418180087315
Oldenburger Springpferd
168 cm
Brigitte Zilling
49219 Glandorf
Value added Tax rate
Brigitte Zilling
49219 Glandorf
Responsible clinic
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The excellent jumper sire For Pleasure with a hopeful offspring in the current collection. A brilliant type, who presents himself with fast legs and always energetic. His basic approaches and his format made this attractive jumping offspring to an interesting candidate.
Verwandtschaftserfolge mütterlicherseits über / successful horses of damline via
1. Generation: For Everyone (1,30 m) v. For Pleasure
2. Generation: Caratinga (1,30 m) v. Continue, For Emotion 3 (1,30 m) v. For Pleasure, For Friends (1,40 m) v. For Pleasure, Sissi G (1,30 m) v. Sakrileg
3. Generation: Last Minute 9 (1,30 m) v. Landfrieden
weiterer Stutenstamm / further generation of damline:
gek. Hengste u.a. Canonicus v. Cantus, Graf Sponeck v. Graf Dagobert, Grandoso v. Goodman, Iron Man v. Inselfürst, Sanremo v.Saskan, Skyscraper v.Stakkato, West Corrado v. Watzmann, Zacharias v. Zeus; Donatella FRH/Dietmar Gugler (int. 1,50 m) v. Don Juan, Dorilla 3/Hugo Simon (int. 1,50 m) v. Domspatz, Irona (1,30 m) v. Inschallah, Unikas 18 (1,30 m) v. Unkenruf, Rubin 146 (Dr.M) v. Ritter, San Fillippo (1,30 m) v. San Fernando, Löwenherz 30 (1,30 m) v. Löwen As, Pik d‘Amour (Dr.S) v. Pik Trumpf, Grafenmaid (1,30 m) v. Grundstein, Garry 17 (1,40 m) v. Gepard, Don Bavaro (Dr.M) v. Donnerwetter, Pik Felix (Dr.S) v. Pik Bube I, San Grande (1,30 m) v. San Carlos, Elliot 55 (1,30 m) v. Einstand, Ragazzo 28 (Dr.M) v. Rubinstein I, Don Delina/Rebecca Golasch (int. 1,40 m) v. Don Gregory uvm.